Download Clean Master

Most downloaded Android Cleaner and Ram Booster in the world from a top 10 global developer.

☆Over 100 million users, supporting 32 languages.
☆#1 Cache Cleaner App & Android Speed Booster in over 50 countries.
☆Featured by CNET, LA Times, The Boston Globe, XDA & much more.
☆#1 App in the Utilities category in the world.Trusted by 50 million users and growing, Clean Master is the number 1 powerful memory booster and trash cleaner to increase the speed of your Android device.

Memory Boost/Task Killer - Boosting apps and games speed is much easier with Clean Master.
Clean - Delete those junk files (cache and residual) that take up valuable storage space
Clear - Protect your privacy by deleting personal information like your search and browser history
App Management - Move apps to an SD card, remove pre-installed apps and backup .apk files

"Apps on a phone gradually eat up memory and the life of your device as its cache fills up. To clean that out, the Clean Master app for Android devices finds the cached files generated by the apps that are hogging your storage, and it helps get rid of them." - Los Angeles Times
"Android: If you're running low on space on your Android device, Clean Master makes it easy to identify what's hogging your storage, and helps you get rid of it." -
"If you want to get your Android device clean and free of junk files, head on over to Clean Master." -

Over 50,000,000 people already installed Free Clean Master. Join them now see what it can do for you:

[Junk Files] - Clean Cache and Residual Files
On Android devices, cache and residual files can build up and occupy gigabytes of your phone’s space. Cleaning junk files can help free up memory on your device and SD card.

[Memory Boost] - Increase memory and speed up your device
Tasks running in the background not only occupy system RAM, but also waste your battery life. Memory Boost can stop other apps that are running in the background and free up more RAM to speed up your Android device. This includes a shortcut called "1 Tap Boost" and a 1*4 Boost Widget, easily accessible from your home screen. Running Android apps and play games faster ever than before!

Screenshot :

Requirements :
           Android version :Varies with device
           File Size :Varies with device

Tohidul Islam Khan Chowdhury

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